25 July 2013

The view from over here

Today, my thoughts turn to the concept of perspective.

In the American film “The Dead Poet’s Society,” actor Robin Williams stars as John Keating, an unorthodox instructor at a posh secondary school for boys that is attended by the most affluent of students. Keating is continually reprimanded for using unique teaching techniques that encourage his students to look at the world and life from alternative perspectives. In one scene, he invites every student in his class to come and stand on his desk to look out over the classroom. Each student has a different perspective on what he sees.

Research congress reminds me how important perspective is. As a researcher, I have been trained not to rule out possibilities, but to keep an open mind about a realm of outcome possibilities I may not have considered. The continuum of outcomes we consider, however, is influenced by the lens through which we observe the world. By attending sessions and participating in discussion groups at congress, we realize that our lenses are affected by culture, available resources, training, and many other factors. When chatting with a colleague, we discover that our ultimate goal, however, is the same—to improve the outcomes of clients we are caring for—regardless of the respective lenses through which we view things at a given moment. These discoveries affirm the fact that our organization, by hosting a meeting like this, is living up to its mission and remind us why we support it.

I must also share another perspective I have come to appreciate. I often find myself experiencing a heightened level of stress when attending a conference such as this. That stress may come from the lengthy journey I endured before arriving at the host city or from preparing for the presentation I will be making. I cannot imagine, however, the stress of delivering a professional presentation in a non-native language. I tip my hat to my colleagues from around the world who have endured the stress of presenting in a language that is not their first. Congratulations on a job well done!

As you may imagine by now, Prague offers many different cultural perspectives, but I am going to focus on several different visual perspectives. The Petrin Tower, for example, provides amazing views that cannot be from the cobblestone streets.

Castle from above.
Old City from above.
Just as important of taking in the view of the city from above is getting out at night. The streets of Prague come alive at night. Although one of my favorite pastimes—people watching—has been taken to a new level, I have found that taking my eyes off the crowd and looking up is equally important. The architecture of Prague takes on a totally different perspective at night.

Old City Gate at night.
City Hall clock at night.
Cathedral at night.
Castle at night.
So, as you move through your day today, take just a moment to look at life from a different perspective. And if you choose to do so by standing on your desk, be blessed and be safe!

For Reflections on Nursing Leadership (RNL), published by the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International.

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